How are we Levelling Up Blyth, Cramlington, and Seaton Valley. 



I talk a lot about Levelling up for our community, because I am proud of what we have brought to our towns and villages.

Over £200 million pounds to restore passenger rail services through the new Northumberland Line.

Funding for the new £50 million pound high school build in Seaton Delaval, as well as plans progressing to do the same for Cramlington Learning Village.

The creation of the North East Investment Zone as part of the £4.2bn Devolution Deal for our area.

Over £90 million pounds of investment through levelling up funds like the Future High Streets Fund, Town Deal, and Accelerated High Streets Fund, which have created the Energising Blyth Programme that will improve our town centre, create new education opportunities and jobs, and modernise our marketplace with a new £15 million pound cinema and Culture Hub.

Building work is never ideal, but when the projects are complete we will be able to bring life back to the town centre and kickstart some amazing training in the Energy Sector, as well as bringing some pride back to our streets.